CARE Values - Active Thinking

We are learning to be Active Thinkers.

We will know we are successful when we:
  • Think collaboratively with a partner
  • Persevere with a difficult task
We went on a treasure hunt with a partner. We needed to use the clues to help us find puzzle pieces. We put the puzzle pieces together to make a picture of Keto the Kea.

Discovery Term 1/2

Discovery Time is an activity based programme held at Oaklands School each Friday morning for Years 0 - 3. Held once a week, it provides opportunities for teachers to meet the diverse needs of students through well planned, structured, 'hands on' experiences. Students get a chance to take control of their own learning. They are motivated and fully engaged. Best of all, it is fun!


We are learning to:
  • Use probability words correctly.
We will know we are successful when we:
  • Talk about ideas using Mathematical vocabulary - certain, possible, impossible, will, might, could, won't
  • Make statements about the likelihood of an event.